Being healthy requires slow and steady progress and a long-term plan - not a quick fix

Being healthy requires slow and steady progress and a long-term plan - not a quick fix

You've heard the stories, perhaps even survived the procedures - and now you can't wait to tell the tale of how the quest for beauty knows no pain, and that all is fair in love and war and the pursuit of youth and health. After all, looking good has never felt so good. A little nip here, a tuck there, not to mention the tempting variety of weight-loss methods including - but not limited to - stomach-stapling, taking laxatives or (gasp!) developing an addiction to meth.

Yes, we do go to extremes when it comes to how we look, because, even though these quick fixes generally fail, there is always the hope that they might just work. But have we considered the true cost should these weight-loss and beauty schemes turn out to be scams, both physically and financially? Have we not also heard of the horror stories and the not-so-happy endings?

And why it so hard for us to put into practice the simple truth - that the best way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more?

Forget the overnight beauty tips and weight-loss tricks. Instead, try these time-tested methods that are sure to help you win the battle of the bulge ... and then some.

1. M-o-v-e!
    Whoever told you that you could sit on the couch all day, gorge on your favorite snacks and lose weight at the same time just by drinking some  mysterious magic potion that costs about the same as your Tiger Wood-signed golf club is, face, a con artist. All your body is developing is a medical almanac full of diseases when it doesn't get enough exercise.
the first thing a good doctor will tell you when you ask about living a healthier life is to start moving. The more your muscles get the exercise they need, the more they keep your skin tight and  tucked and your heart racing like a 17-year-old. So, ditch the cool ride and start walking.

2. The Power of Sex
    During the past two decades, scientists have found that sex releases good hormones and other chemical substance in the immune system.What's more, regular sex helps keeps your focus sharp. Kissing and touching are both important for mental (and therefore physical) health. So invest in some sexy lingerie and soothing midnight tunes - and follow Marvin Gaye's advise for some sexual healing.

3. Breakfast of Champions
    Nutritionists swear that the most important meal of the day is the first one. What you eat for breakfast sets the tone for the rest of your meals. It is crucial that you eat a hearty meal (preferably rich in fiber and protein) that won't leave you longing for the bag of chips someone left in the office pantry at 10:30 a.m. A satisfying breakfast works wonders in controlling cravings even on the most stressful days. So the next time you're thinking of skipping breakfast - don't.
4. No Smoking, Please
    this is  a known fact: The substances that lurk in a cigarette are more than enough to set off the trigger happy cancer cells in you body. This is also a known fact: Smoking leaves your skin parched and wrinkled. And there's no easy way to say this, but people who smoke have a hugely reduced chance of reaching old age. So whether you're looking to stay young, beautiful or healthy cigarettes are just all around bad for you. Put it out now. Really.
5. Water Works
    This is something we've all known for quite some time now: Water is good for the body. There are health therapies that focus specifically on the benefits of drinking a certain amount of water every day. some day eight glasses of water a day keeps the doctors away - and for most people it really works. Keeping your body well hydrated means you'll be spared some of the most persistent symptoms associated with dehydration, such as headaches, skin rashes, sleepiness, drowsiness and fatigue. so drink and be merry. Or, you know, just drink.

Source : WEEKENDER Magazine

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